Thursday, August 13, 2015


To be part of this program is very simple - just walk into any SLOT store, hand in your old phone, pay the price difference and walk out with a brand new phone for any of these brands of your choice: Blackberry, iPhone, Samsung and Microfost.

‘SLOT Trade-in’ the value of a phone can be used in exchange for another, thereby giving customers real value for their money. The traded phones (used phones) received from this program will be sold by MATRIX through its used phone retail stores across Nigeria. The bottom-line is to bring benefit to the Nigerian people at this (hard time).

Sources from the Ikeja head office of SLOT confirmed that, “it doesn’t matter where the customer purchased their phones from, even from our competitor, they will also enjoy the privilege of trading it for a new and authentic device with one year after sales warranty. Simply, the customer is only expected to present a copy of their Identity card to authenticate its ownership.

Find out more here>>

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