Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Relevance of the Runaway ABOBAKU in 21st Century Ile Ife

The Abobaku to the now demised Ooni of Ife has ran away and is no where to be found. Who wants to die? When I first read the news, I had to go back to the calender to be sure that i havent mistekenly become a time traveller who mistekenly stepped back into the 13th century. I found that i am still sane and that the date was sometime in 2015. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I even heard reports that women were forbidden form stepping out for fear of being used to bury the monarch.

before we go further, lets analyse the relevance of this mundane culture. The Abobaku is someone prepared to die with the Ooni of Ife, whenever the monarch joins his ancestors to serve as his escort in the land of the dead (whatever that means), this royal aide enjoys the best things of life more than any member of the Ooni's cabinet, because of the sacrificial role he is primed to play when the inevitable happens.

However, this particular Abobaku is said to have absconded when his duty is most required, and I do not support such criminality, this man had all the opportunity during the king's lifetime to resign from such assignment, and I would have supported him if he did, but he stayed on, reaping the fruits of that office in bounties and now that the work for which he was being paid is ready to be done, he absconded. It is fraud. He was paid for it (so i dug up from my research) so his death would not be a crime but consensual (and i heaved a sigh of relief), he knew why he was being paid, but he criminally stayed behind and got all the payments due to him, and the only time he needed to work for the pay, he runs away. Na lie, he must die with the king. This is a breach of contract, and it is criminal. Hoohaa. 

The implication of his action is that an innocent man, who never for one day enjoyed the privileges and rights of Abobaku designate will be sacrificed, while the one who did, will walk away. That is unfair.

Guys, Your thoughts Please

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