Wednesday, August 12, 2015

An Ode to The Best Woman Ever: PLS READ

Ever heard an angel speak?
Just pick up your phone and hear Laila's voice.
The melody is intoxicating.

How can I forget the horrific day when I lost someone dear to me to death
I was in the hospital crying myself silly
until she called me and did her magic.
She spoke to me and i smiled even though I had tears in my eye

How could I forget my last birthday?
Imagine your boss singing you a birthday song early in the morning.
It happened to me and Y'all should observe
Cos I have the best boss in the whole world

Ever seen the greek goddes of love?
Laila is an incarnate
Sweet like Wedding cake dipped in Nsukka honey, and as caring as ever,
She'd call me even in the middle of the night to know if I was sleeping fine.

Even when she is mad at me
She would still ask if i was ok and chillin
She'd always ask if i need anything, If i have eaten, if i had enough sleep
All these before tongue lashing me ooooooo
You need to experience this warmth to understand it cos I cant really explain it

Heart like an ocean, filled with glee.
I don't need any gift in life,
Because you are the greatest gift of life,
I am glad to have you in my world,
I love you a lot

Never met a woman with so much drive
Multi task professional extraordinaire
a doting mother to everybody around her (even to a grown arse man like me)
a great wife,
A passionate career woman
So much energy
so much finesse and poise
Yet obsessively calm, loving and extremely calculated

What about those days
when for no reason, I receive countless bank credit alert
Some even on weekends
Some even when she is not happy over something I did wrong

Life with you is not just an unclaimed melody,
But even better than life long symphony.
And I'm so glad that you my dear,
just completed one more year.

To my love, my sister, my friend, my boss of life and my mentor

Happy Birthday.

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