Wednesday, December 13, 2017

NEW PARTY: ADP begins online membership drive Thursday


ADP begins online membership drive Thursday

Barring any last minute change in plans, the Action Democratic Party  (ADP) will, on Thursday, begin  on­line registration of new members.

National   Secretary of the party, Dr. James Okoroma, in a media briefing at the party’s National Secretariat, said all was set for the official flag off of the exercise tomorrow.
Okoroma  said the exercise was in response to  the  yearnings   of millions  of Nigerians  who wanted  to join the ADP.

According to him, Nigerians were tired  of the Peoples Democratic  Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC).
“Nigerians  need a new and credible  political platform such as the ADP to reposition the country  and create a new democratic culture”, he stated.

Okoroma pointed out that the country  needed a new leadership  class, which he said the PDP and APC  could  not  create  because of corruption and lack of commitment  to nation building.
He accused the  APC-Ied Federal Government of paying  lip service to  corruption  while   the   nation   sinks deeper into corrupt  practices.

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