Wednesday, November 22, 2017

COP 23: Why the world must not get stuck on dialogue

Greg Odogwu

The world gathered again this year in Bonn, Germany, to discuss climate change. The venue was supposed to be the small island country, Fiji, the official host; but the small state – first of its kind to play host for the annual climate negotiations could not handle the logistics of hosting thousands of international delegations at the same time. It began on Monday, November 6, and ended last Saturday, November 18, a day later than earlier scheduled.

The 23rd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change came at a time when extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, hurricanes and wildfires have devastated millions of people around the world. It is a time when we have become aware that not just the proclamations of science but empirical evidence show that the years are progressively becoming hotter. For instance, today in Abuja we are faced with a harmattan season that is as hot as the so-called heat period of pre-rainy season ‘spring sauna’ months of February-March-April.

The COP 23 was therefore expected to be propelled with a universal ambition to achieve a landmark victory, clearly charting a course to a promising development path towards implementation of the Paris Climate Accord. By the end of the two weeks climate talks, however, one could sense that the outcome cannot be said to measure up to the ambient urgency perceptible from every part of the globe.

In any case, it was a job well done for the organisers. Obviously, the rulebook for the Paris climate agreement was finally taking shape. Frank Bainimarama, COP 23 President, said, “We should all be very pleased that COP 23 has been a success. We have done the job we were given to do, which was to advance the implementation guidelines of the Paris agreement, and prepare for more ambitious action through the Talanoa Dialogue of 2018.”

What is the Talanoa Dialogue? Countries agreed two years ago in Paris that there should be a one-off moment in 2018 to take stock of how climate action was progressing. This information will be used to inform the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions – which is due in 2020. Originally called the “facilitative dialogue”, the name of this one-off process in 2018 was changed to “Talanoa Dialogue” this year under the Fijian COP presidency. This was to reflect a traditional approach to discussions used in Fiji for an “inclusive, participatory and transparent” process. It will be structured around three questions – “Where are we? Where do we want to go? How do we get there?”

The dialogue was supposed to be a kind of opportunity-oriented, constructive and solution-oriented conversation; obviously these kinds of engagements tend to be very hard conversations in the UNFCCC context. But the world is set to adopt it. It took some efforts before it was inserted in the COP 23 official outcome document where the text pointedly says the dialogue “should not lead to discussions of a confrontational nature” with individual parties being singled out.

Therefore, reading in between the lines, one could decipher that the Talanoa Dialogue is an abstract form of the scientific mechanism for global climate engagement known as the Nationally Determined Contributions. The Talanoa process takes effect from January 2018. The preparatory phase will begin over the coming year, ahead of the political phase to be conducted by ministers at the COP 24, taking place in Poland.
That aside, we should still be concerned by the fact that the general objective of COP 23 was simply to move from words to action – NGOs from around the world, developing countries’ delegations and international organisations arrived in Bonn with this request; however at the close of talks last Saturday, only unambitious steps were taken.

The small steps are noticeable: On the actions to take from now until 2020 (without waiting for the Paris Agreement to become operational); on reforming the agricultural system and on a renewed commitment towards CO2 emissions reduction. However, on other key points in the fight against climate change, the progress made was little and the postponements many. This, I always describe as postponing the doomsday.

It will be noteworthy that next year, the promises made in 2015 by world governments for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (NDCs) should be reviewed. At the COP23, it was recognised that these commitments are not sufficient to meet the principal objective set in Paris, which is to limit the rise in global average temperatures to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. The Talanoa Dialogue was launched with the aim of “straightening” this trajectory (which today is set to be in the region of 3 degrees Celsius).

In all of this, one thing glaring is that the condition for achieving any further milestone in the global fight against climate change is the political will to do so. We can only keep our fingers crossed; time is ticking, and the globe is still warming!
The world reeled from the US President Donald Trump’s bombshell earlier this year; but we seem to have recovered from the shock. During the COP 23, former and current governors of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jerry Brown respectively, were there to represent the United States, or at least its people. They animated the US Climate Action Center, with their resolve: “We are still in coalition of states, cities, businesses and the US organisations that have decided to continue to work towards achieving the Paris Agreement’s targets, notwithstanding President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from it.”

To be candid, another phrase for political will is the “willingness to give”. The developed world is not showing leadership enough. Like Armelle Le Comte, Advocacy Manager at Oxfam France, rightly observed, many rich countries came to Bonn empty-handed, whereas they were expected to ramp up, or at least fulfil, their commitments to the Green Climate Fund pre-2020 and post-2020. There were two main concerns: first, developed countries had not yet delivered the promised $100bn per year in climate finance by 2020 agreed in 2009 at Copenhagen; second, the Doha Amendment, a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol for the years leading up to 2020, had still not been ratified by enough countries to bring it into force.

The good news is that pre-2020 ambition and implementation formed a major part of the COP23 decision text agreed and published before it closed. However, one can only hope that the developed countries “open their wallets” soon. French President Emmanuel Macron, has called for a new climate summit (christened One Planet), which will be held in the French capital on the 12th of December and will be principally dedicated to the topic of financing.

What is more, one should also hang onto the visible policy milestones of Fiji’s COP 23 to nurture a hope for a better tomorrow. These were the Gender Action Plan, which highlights the role of women in climate action and promotes gender equality in the process, and the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, which aims to support the exchange of experience and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation.
Fiji also launched the Ocean Pathway Partnership, which aims to strengthen the inclusion of oceans within the UNFCCC process.
And for those of us who frown at the seeming resurgence of dirty coal, a major event at the COP was the launch of the “Powering Past Coal Alliance”, led by the UK and Canada. More than 20 countries and other sub-national actors joined the alliance, including Denmark, Finland, Italy, New Zealand, Ethiopia, Mexico and the Marshall Islands; as well as the US states of Washington and Oregon. It aims to top 50 members by this time next year.

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