Tuesday, November 10, 2015

True Life Confession: 'Which Of My Prophets Should I Believe?'

This mail sent in by a TILB is very interesting and intriguing. Read it and decide for yourself

not the woman in question

My dilemma is a but long but I will try to cut it short. Everything i have written in this mail is 100% true life.

I know God is not the author of confusion. I come from a family where we so much believe in meeting men of God before taking important decisions that affect our lives.

I have met a number of men in my life, but it seems it is my destiny to always be involved in long distance relationships because all the men i have ever been involved with have been very far from me.

About three years ago i met a man based in London and we kind of hit it off. I met him via social media and we chatted and exchanged messages before we met physically. He is a single father but the child lives with the mum in USA. He got married in 2011 but the marriage only lasted a year before breaking down. At least that's what he told me.

One day, in church, during prayer, my pastor told me that I have met my husband. He now described this London guy, down to his failed marriage and daughter. He told me to pray well so that he will not leave me. Well, i prayed well. I also went for prayer at another church, this time a C&S  church and i was told the same thing.

When we met, he tried to sleep with me and that was when i became doubtful. I have always told God that i want a man who will not ask me for sex before marriage so how come God is sending me a man who sees nothing wrong with fornication?

I went to my father's church which is headed by a prophetess to unburden my mind and even before I finished she told me that the London guy is NOT my husband. She also told me some deep and secret things about him which i have never told anybody, including the real reason why his first marriage broke up (the guy loves parties too much).

A fourth prophet who a friend introduced to me also confirmed the words of the prophetess. So I was so confused. God is not the author of confusion. The first two said God told them he is my hubby, the remaining two told me God told them he is NOT my hubby!!!

Part 2

I kinda withdrew from the London guy because of his demands for sex and the fact that he is kinda promiscuous. That isn't what i want in man and that is not what i have been praying for, plus all the confusing prophecies.

This year, I met another guy, this time based in America. He is what i want in a man, or so i thought. I also met him via social media. All through the time we were chatting before we were supposed to meet he never for once sent me his picture saying he is a very shy and private person. He is very secretive and his reason is that he has been so hurt by people he called his family members, he never gave me his phone number, so the only way we corresponded was by mail.

We chatted for months via mail, to the extent that we were even declaring undying love for each other. He said he was a virgin and he wanted me to disvirgin him (he is 37). I was amazed. A 37 year old virgin!

So off i went to consult my prophets with his name. My pastor and the C&S Woli gave me the green light, and they described him down to his family, according to the leading of the spirit. I was happy.

When i prayed on my own concerning the American guy, I had a dream that we were getting married, although in the dream i was not too happy because he wasn't what i expected, but married we got. I had these dream for two days straight and on the third day he called me for the first time and i was shocked because he didnt have an American accent as i expected. Rather, he had a thick Hausa accent and sounded like someone in his 40s. I was a bit disappointed and for the first time understood what my dream meant.

When this American guy came to Naija, for some reasons he was too busy for us to meet in the first week he came but the second week, we had a small disagreement and he cut of from me completely. He stopped responding to my texts and and refused picking my calls. Sad, i went to the prophetess (my father's church) and without mincing words she told me he was a scammer who had two wives already (he is Hausa): the first one is a young lady in Nigeria while the second one is a white woman who is much older than him.

I was flabbergasted.

What the hell is going on??? God is NOT the author of confusion. All these prophets are anointed men and women of God so why is there a disparity in their messages??

Right now, the he hasn't gotten back to me till now (since September), while the London guy is still on my case. I am ashamed to admit that when he came to Nigeria last month i fell into temptation and slept with him, twice. And guess what he gave me? Candidiasis, which i had to spend money i don't have to treat.

To be fair the guy is a really sweet guy but he is too wayward and likes parties too much, and that is not what i have been praying to God for in a man. Plus he told me that after his first marriage he has lost interest in ever remarrying.

I am just fed up with the confusion.

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