Monday, February 19, 2018

Celebrate Anyim Pius Anyim born today.......

Anyim Pius Anyim (born 19 February 1961) is a Nigerian politician who served as the President of Nigerian senate and was the immediate-past Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF). He was elected as national Senator on the People's Democratic Party (PDP) platform in 1999 for the Ebonyi South constituency of Ebonyi State. He was appointed Senate President in August 2000.

Anyim was born on 19 February 1961 in Ishiagu, a dominantly Catholic community in the Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. He attended Ishiagu High School (St. John Bosco), the Federal School of Arts and Science, Aba and later, Imo State University, Uturu (1983–1987). For his Youth Service he served as the Co-ordinator, Youth Mobilisation Programme in Sokoto State.

 In 1992, Anyim became the Head of Protection Department at the National Commission for Refugees, Abuja, a job that included provision of legal services and political protection for refugees. In this capacity he traveled to various parts of the world.

In 1998 he joined the United Nigeria Congress Party (UNCP), winning a Senate election. However the death of General Sani Abachaon 8 June 1998 nullified the result. During the transitional regime of General Abdulsalami Abubakar he joined the People's Democratic Party (PDP), and again ran successfully for election to the Senate in 1999.

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