Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2019: Akinlami declares interest in running for presidency position

2019: Akinlami declares interest in presidency

A popular public affairs analyst and anti corruption crusader, Daniel Akinlami has officially declared his intention to run for the presidency in 2019. Making his declaration in a statement issued to newsmen in Lagos on Monday, Akinlami said it is time for the long awaited movement that will liberate the nation from the shackles of incompetence, nepotism, impunity and entrenched corruption, lack of visionary, dynamic and inspirational leadership.

Akinlami, who holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Fine Arts from Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, has been described as a believer in the rule of law and a fighter for justice and equity.

He said “It is time for the long awaited movement that will liberate our nation from the shackles of incompetence, nepotism, impunity and entrenched corruption, lack of visionary – dynamic and inspirational leadership.

“At a time when some have lost faith in our political system, the unity and the future of our great nation; we must not give up on Nigeria. It’s time for all the patriots to join forces together to reclaim our today and the future from the hands of the recycled political elites and cabals that have mismanaged and plundered our nation for years.”
“For this purpose, I am here to provide the leadership. So today, I declare my intention to run for the office of the president of our great country Nigeria in the 2019 presidential race.”


(1). He is an accomplished Visual Artist and Advertising Practitioner with over 20 years experience in the Art, Branding and PR Sector. A well sort after National Leader, Public Affairs Analyst and Anti-Corruption Crusader; An Advocate for Youth Empowerment and National Development.

(2). His primary areas of influence and engagement spread across Politics, Public Speaking, Raising New Leaders, Youths Engagement, Political Advocacy and Nation Building.
(3). In the past few years as a Change Advocate and Nation Building Crusader he has collaborated with different Pressure Groups, NGOs, Community and Grassroots Associations on ways to drive CHANGE in Nigeria.

(4). He is the Convener and National Coordinator at 150 MILLION NIGERIANS FOR CHANGE. A network of concerned citizens of Nigeria advocating for Positive Change in the country. With the mission of mobilizing Nigerians to take a stand against corruption and bad leadership. He also seeks targeted solutions to the challenges facing African Nations including Nigeria with a round-table and indigenous grass-root approach.

(5). His foray into Nigeria politics started in 2014 with an attempt to run in the 2015 presidential election in which he narrowly missed a nomination with one of the political parties despite launching his presidential campaign.

(6). Thereafter, he continued to contribute at different forum to the development of Nigeria and government policies. He has won several awards in recognition of his contribution to nation building and has also been featured in several Nigeria National Televisions and Radio stations as public affairs/policy analyst.

(7). He shares the belief that in order to birth positive change in Nigeria, the youths must be positively engaged in leadership.

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